What this is All About

I have been writing stories for quite a long time. As I am getting on a bit, it struck me one day that I’d put a lot of effort into what up to then had really only been a hobby and that there was no point in all this work with no end product (except the pleasure of personal accomplishment). So I decided I’d make the effort to get published. Perhaps the Covid pandemic combined with my approaching 7th decade had something to do with it.

The book I decided to go with is a mystery/adventure tale for children aged 9-11. After many rejections I decided to go the way of Self Publishing. Which is why this site exists – self publishing also means self publicity to help sell your book (see also the Writers and Artists Yearbook). I am not just publishing the rejected story. I have tried to improve it as much as possible, revising and submitting to a Manuscript Appraisal Service for review – resulting in more serious revision. Now I feel it is ready to go out into the world.

It seemed a waste to put up a web page, just to link to where the book can be bought.  So I intend to add fairly regular posts which will hopefully be of interest.  This will include.

Résumées of books and authors I’ve enjoyed and think are well worth reading.   

Regular updates of the progress of my book through production.  This is complete now and the book is out there waiting for you to buy it. All the notes I added about its production can The Publication Process.

Occasional information and links to help with writing.  Start your own story!